Big 8 Helmets and Forgiveness

This is definitely one of my favorite pieces of Cornhusker memorabilia that I own. What you have here is a half helmet for each school in the original Big 8 conference, with the Nebraska helmet correctly twice as big as…
Slacking off

I’m gonna give this program an 8.1 out of 10. I loved the programs with coach Osborne and the captains. Here we have Coach Osborne, Terry Luck and Bob Martin squinting into the sun. I deducted a few points for…
’72 & Sideburns

Gary Dixon scored 14 touchdowns for the 1971 and ‘72 Cornhuskers while maintaining the finest sideburns in all of college football.
Get With The Program: 1964 vs K State

What’s not to love about this program cover? Bob Devaney looks tanned and happy in his dope coaching staff polo and khaki shorts, showing off a little leg. Bob Hohn and Lyle Sittler looking sharp in those beautiful old school…
Junior Miller

You might be cool. But you are not Junior Miller with an eye bandage wearing a patch denim flop hat with IM Hipp reflecting in your mirror shades cool.
a cappella

Rich Glover seems to be questioning his decision to join an a cappella group with Johnny Rodgers and Greg Pruitt.

NU historians say this moment during the 1977 Liberty Bowl was the closest Tom Osborne ever came to dropping an F-bomb.